Adams Synchronological Chart or Map of History

There is a lot to love about the Adams Synchronological Chart. This chart is hand-drawn and absolutely beautiful! And, at 17 feet long, it can be viewed simultaneously from many different locations. This creates a real sense for the passage of time! It is easily the most detailed and most ambitious timeline ever made. 

This chart was created in 1871. That’s right, 1871! Although there are several versions out there that bring it forward to the 21st century, 98% of the chart is exactly the same as it was when it was made in the Victorian period. Not only is it based on a young earth creationist literal view of the Bible, it’s also extremely Eurocentric. Be aware also that it also contains many outdated facts, and it even incorporates some racist ideology.

If you do want to purchase it, it is quite cheap (especially considering its size) due to the fact that the copyright on it has long since expired. You can buy it on Amazon using the link below.

Buy on Amazonadams-synchronological-map-of-history

One response to “Adams Synchronological Chart or Map of History”

  1. video map says:

    Wonderfull map!!!